Sunday, July 15, 2012

Learning to Go-With-The-Flow

The First Step

In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.

~Proverbs 16:9~

I have great intentions, Lord. You know my heart carries with it many hopes and plans. Some have come to pass, and others I wait for with patience from You. But lately I sense my life shifting ever so slightly. One moment, my eyes are cast on a defined horizon, and in the next, they are peering at something hazy. Without my permission, without my foreknowledge, my true future emerges. You encourage my spirit to carry on.

Thank You, God, for letting me rest in the security of Your plans, not my own. Things change - sometimes so quickly that I lose my footing. But as I take the first step in a new direction, I know You are holding me upright and directing each step.

-(Excerpt taken from One-Minute Prayers for Women) -

I found this verse extremely calming applies to so many different aspects of life! I can truly find peace in change and the "unexpected" moments of each day!


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