Thursday, June 20, 2013

A Garden Symphony

What a week it has been so far! Not only has it been busy, but my garden is beginning to bring on the first of its summer produce!
I've just picked my first handful of strawberries along with my first picking of sugar snap peas and Alaska pea pods! They are perfect; crispy, crunchy, and delectably sweet. The recent cold nights have definitely helped with their flavor.
But as I stood stooped in my garden bed picking my peas, and listening to the birds chatter as a storm rolled in, I was overcome with thankfulness and joy. What a blessing it is to be able to have a garden in which to grow food for my family. It's simple yet perfect and beautiful in every way.
Gardening centers me. It makes me aware of the world outside of myself and takes me to a peaceful place closer to Christ. I feel joyful, smiling with every moment no matter what it might be. When I finish working, my hands are stained; I have dirt under every fingernails; my skin is dry. But when I look at them, I see time spent in the presence of God.
This devotional is a perfect summation:
Prayer Song
By day the Lord directs his love, at night his song is with me - a prayer to the God of my life.
~Psalm 42:8~
I sing to You, Lord. My joy, heartache, and thanksgiving create a symphony of emotion. In the solitude of nightfall, I cannot help but sing. I release the worries of my day to Your care. I trust You with my today and my tomorrow. My panic turns to peace as the first notes of praise drift heavenward.
Your concern touches me. Your voice blends with mine for a few sweet moments. You wrote this song to comfort me every night. You share it with me so I can come to You when the confines of words and dialogue stifle meaning. By day, Lord, guide me with Your love. By night, free me with Your melody. In every moment Your are the God of my life.
(This prayer comes from One-Minute Prayers for Women)
Sometimes working in the garden creates this symphony for me. It may encompass the neighbors dog, the birds, a garbage truck, the race track, an airplane, a train, the fans from the mill...but together, it is a perfect testament to all the beauty God has placed in my life. It is magnificent.
I pray this verse and devotional takes you to a perfect place of wonder and peace.


  1. What a beautiful blog background, photos, and post. Happy gardening!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and for the encouragement! Many blessings to you and your garden as well!
