Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day!

Today is the day we set aside to thank and show appreciation to our fathers. For me, although I didn't get to see my dad in person, it was a day when I wanted him to know just how much I appreciate all of the love, attention, teaching, guidance, understanding, discipline, and friendship he has given to me. I have learned so much from my father; lessons that are abundant and priceless.

As much as we love and honor our fathers, I was reminded today of just how much they honor their role as father. This prayer came from our daily devotional and I found it so fitting for today!
Father's day, from a fathers perspective:

A God for All Generations
May the Lord our God be with us as he was with our fathers; may he never leave us nor forsake us. May he turn our hearts to him, to walk in all his ways and to keep the commands, decrees and regulations he gave our fathers.
~ 1 Kings 8:57-58~
You are the God of my father and of those men in my life whom I count as mentors. I thank You for the gift of salvation that ties me to prior generations. As I reflect on my lineage, I know it is not the blood of my family line that makes me who I am, but the blood of Christ.
God, give me a heart for You that beats so strong and so pure that it resounds in my children. Let my legacy be one of faith. Order my priorities so my children feel precious and loved, so I can introduce them to what it feels like to be Your child.
(The above prayer and verse were taken from the devotional One-Minute Prayers for Men)
This prayer is so eloquently written!
When I was growing up, my dad took that pillar role; he was the head of the family. There was always something comforting and wonderful knowing that no matter what, mom and dad were going to be there and make sure we always had what we needed, not necessarily always what we of the most valuable life lessons!
My dad was strong and yet so soft and gentle. He stood for authority but was so very kind. He modeled hard work, commitment, love, and what it means to follow and love our Lord. He was, and is, an amazing dad!
But as I read this verse today, it gave me a much greater appreciation for what he has done for me. He has shown us the ways of life, but even more importantly, he has ingrained in me (and my sisters) the most important thing in this life: to know we are children of God!
Thanks Dad!
I wish all the fathers and fathers-to-be a most heartfelt 'Thank You' and Happy Father's Day!

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