Friday, May 3, 2013

{this moment}

Today, I'm joining Amanda (soulemama) and Olive & Owl (a link to her site) with {this moment}.

A simple picture from the week. No words, no explanation, just a simple moment of time captured and shared.

Please feel free to share your moments as well! It's so fun to see what other beauty is captured in a weeks time!


  1. I'm not an expert at surfing, but that looks like a surfboard (just not sure what the stick is). My girls and I are reading the story of Bethany Hamilton (the female surfer her lost her arm to a shark attack)... so we're all into surfing at the moment here. I wasn't expecting to see a surfboard in a "this moment" photo. Awesome.

    1. I wish I could tell you I knew how to surf...but this is actually a stand-up paddle board. The stick is the paddle:) How awesome you and your girls are into surfing though! Now you will all have to give it a go and report back! It looks like such a wonderful and exhilarating sport!

  2. Great pics! Looks like there will be some fun on the water soon :)

    Happy weekend!

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! We tried to get out on the water today but the 25 mph winds made it a bit of a challenge. We'll try again tomorrow!

  3. Looks like some incredible fun is in the near future!

    1. We are so looking forward to getting some much time on the water in this spring/summer/fall! Today was uncooperative but we'll be able to get out there soon enough!
      Thanks for stopping by!
