Thursday, February 28, 2013

Service and Comfort

The following excerpt is taken from One-Minute Prayers for Men, text by Hope Lyda.
Serving in Grace
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.
~1 Peter 4:10~
Thank You, God for my gifts of grace. Show me how to use them in the service of others today. Give me eyes to spot those to whom I can offer a word of hope or encouragement. Give me ears to hear the silent plea for help. Give me hands to reach out to those in need.
And, Lord, bring across my path today the people whom You have graced that can help me in my distress.
This verse and prayer sums up where my mind and spirit have been these last several days...even weeks. I have been compelled to reach out to others and try to comfort, or understand, or just listen to what is going on in their lives. I can't solve anything, but sometimes having that momentary release is enough to lighten  the load.
But what often gets overlooked is that sometimes the comforter needs comforted.
Being able to ask God to bring us those who need help is a service to Him. Being able to ask God to bring comforters to faith. We know that He will never leave us in our time of need. How blessed we are to be able to ask for such a wonderful gift!
I hope this brings you joy and comfort as we near the end of our week!

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