Friday, September 28, 2012

Return to Normalcy...Almost

It feels like ages since I last posted, even though its been just over a week. But in that week, I've had an opportunity to explore & learn our history, strengthen relationships, and discover friendships that are long lasting & those, on the other hand, that need to be let go. Each of these have caused me to step back and learn something about myself; who I am and how I want to live & follow Christ.

Cam & I found ourselves in Las Vegas to visit a friend who is getting married later this fall. Unfortunately we cannot attend his wedding so we felt like a visit was in order, so we went.

Not only did we have a chance to visit our friend, we also took advantage of the time away we had been given. We visited the Hoover Dam via tour bus (we had the BEST bus driver!!), explored the 'strip' and downtown, saw cirque de sole, watched our alma matter go from being an under-dog to becoming ranked 18 (go Oregon State!), had heart-felt conversations with family & friends, and got some much needed rest.

It was a blast! However those little life lessons even followed us there and hovered over us like a little cloud. We took that little cloud and pushed it aside though, and enjoyed ourselves immensely!

We left our garden during peak tomato time too! It was hard to know we had to pick as many as we could before we left to try to preserve them until we returned and little time to get it all done, but we proceeded. We were successful in our efforts & I have, so far, 50+ quarts of salsa! It's extremely delicious!!

Hopefully now I will have time to write. It feels good to get back even if it seems like we were just thrown back in!! I'm thankful no matter what!


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