Memorial Day weekend. Campers and self-proclaimed BBQ experts are out in droves; families getting outdoors to make the most of this pre-summer holiday weekend, and to take a moment and recognize and thank those who have served, and are serving, this country. While it is a universally wonderful weekend, we all choose to celebrate it in our own way. Cam and I are a perfect example of this. He was invited to go on a 'guy's day trip' to pick Morel mushrooms and I was left to my own devices. We, of course, jumped at the opportunity to learn how to gather these precious mushrooms from, quite nearly, our backyard, so he decided to go!
While I was out on the water, Cam, however, found himself in quite a different area. He was surrounded by ponderosa pine trees, trickling creeks, and towering mountains. He was hunting for Morel mushrooms. Listening to his experience when he finally got home was intriguing...but only half as much as the amount of mushrooms he brought with him! He had a great time and learned so much. He wants to take me out again in the very near future in fact! This being said, I wanted him to be able to share his this is Cam's day, hunting for the mighty Morel!
"It's amazing how you can live in the same area for 20+ years without realizing the things you have been missing out on. I had the opportunity to join a friend who has been picking Morel mushrooms for years and wanted to share the experience.
Driving up the gravel roads, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. In no time after pulling off, our "guide" found a Morel and gave us a quick tutorial. The honeycomb pattern was very distinct. With this boost in confidence, the hunt was on.
It may sound a little cheesy, but every find brought a little rush, kind of like a kid in a candy store. The hunt was great fun, but I couldn't help but just stop and enjoy the sounds of the forest and beautiful scenery. The crystal clear creeks, chatter of the birds, and especially the lack of 'noise' was enough to revitalize the soul.
So I would encourage you to do some research on the area you live in. The more you search, the more likely you are bound to find something you haven't experienced. Get out and try it, you may just find something you have a passion for and never knew it. God has offered us so many opportunities here, it's up to us to experience it."
Tomorrow, now knowing their flavor profile, we plan to make a supper around this ingredient. I am looking forward to it!!
Experiencing and learning seem to be what Cam and I are striving to do as of late. We have sought out and grasped at opportunities we would normally have let pass us by. While it has been a fun journey, we are also remembering our little homestead. I love my gardens; these new excursions are simply serving to feed our souls making us better care-takers of the blessings bestowed upon us!
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